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BTS - The Ultimate Fan Book
- Autor: Malcolm Croft
- Editură: Headline Publishing Group
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96,00 Lei

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Descriere produs
Experience the K-Pop phenomenon of BTS in this best-selling fanbook – FULLY UPDATED for 2023!
BTS are much more than just a group of seven talented individuals, they are a band acclaimed for their record-smashing, barrier-breaking, trend-setting dance-pop and hip-hop tunes and personal philosophies. Featuring brand new content and sensational new photos, BTS: The Ultimate Fan Book includes everything you need to know about Jin, Suga, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V and Jungkook, as well as the BTS ARMY.
A celebration of the K-Pop phenomenon, exploring in stunning technicolour detail the group's origins, members and super rise to success, this Ultimate Fan Book is beautifully accompanied by photographs showcasing the band's kaleidoscope of personalities and passions that have made them famous. BTS are more than just a boy band – they are a way of life.
BTS are much more than just a group of seven talented individuals, they are a band acclaimed for their record-smashing, barrier-breaking, trend-setting dance-pop and hip-hop tunes and personal philosophies. Featuring brand new content and sensational new photos, BTS: The Ultimate Fan Book includes everything you need to know about Jin, Suga, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V and Jungkook, as well as the BTS ARMY.
A celebration of the K-Pop phenomenon, exploring in stunning technicolour detail the group's origins, members and super rise to success, this Ultimate Fan Book is beautifully accompanied by photographs showcasing the band's kaleidoscope of personalities and passions that have made them famous. BTS are more than just a boy band – they are a way of life.
Detalii produs
Categorie | Hobby / Noutăți / Cadouri pentru VINILIȘTI / New releases / |
Autor | Malcolm Croft |
Editură | Headline Publishing Group |
Nr Pagini | 80 |
Tip coperta | Hard cover |
An Apariție | 2024 |
ISBN | 9781802797985 |
Cod de bare | 9781802797985 |
Gen | Baiat Fata |
Vârsta | 10 - 14 ani, 14 - 18 ani, 18 - 99 ani |
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