  1. Robert Greene 5 articole
  2. *** 4 articole
  3. Robert T. Kiyosaki 2 articole
  4. Simon Sinek 2 articole
  5. Dale Carnegie 2 articole
  6. Abhijit V. Banerjee 2 articole
  7. Stephen R. Covey 2 articole
  8. Joel Schwartzberg 1 articol
  9. Timi Ajiboye 1 articol
  10. Donald Miller 1 articol
  11. David Allen 1 articol
  12. Daniel H. Pink 1 articol
  13. Ramit Sethi 1 articol
  14. Joe Vitale 1 articol
  15. Zig Ziglar 1 articol
  16. Richard Rumelt 1 articol
  17. Nicole Perlroth 1 articol
  18. George S. Clason 1 articol
  19. Alexandra Carter 1 articol
  20. Kevin Duncan 1 articol
  21. Mike Michalowicz 1 articol
  22. J. L. Collins 1 articol
  23. Hermann Simon 1 articol
  24. Howard Mark 1 articol
  25. Ovidiu Toader 1 articol
  26. Denisa Dascalu 1 articol
  27. Amy C. Edmondson 1 articol
  28. Chris Miller 1 articol
  29. Stephen M.R. Covey 1 articol
  30. David J. Lieberman 1 articol
  31. Tad Crawford 1 articol
  32. Simon Johnson 1 articol
  33. Valentin Lazea 1 articol
  34. Bert Hellinger 1 articol
  35. Jason Kelly 1 articol
  36. Seth Godin 1 articol
  37. Josh Kauufman 1 articol
  38. Daniel Kahneman 1 articol
  39. Robert B. Cialdini 1 articol
  40. Erik Brynjolfsson 1 articol
  41. Matt Haig 1 articol
  42. Timothy Ferriss 1 articol
  43. Octavian Pantis 1 articol
  44. Napoleon Hill 1 articol
  45. Walter Isaacson 1 articol
  46. Dan Gardner 1 articol
  47. Yuval Noah Harari 1 articol
  48. Nigel Cumberland 1 articol
  49. Jim Collins 1 articol
  50. Jason Fry 1 articol
  51. Benjamin Graham 1 articol
  52. William H. McRaven 1 articol
  53. Cosmin Baiu 1 articol
  54. Robin Sharma 1 articol
  55. Harv T. Eker 1 articol
  56. Ray Dalio 1 articol
  57. Grant Cardone 1 articol
  58. Cristian Onetiu 1 articol
  59. Bodo Schafer 1 articol
  60. John Doerr 1 articol
  61. Jack Fairweather 1 articol
  62. Nicholas Cheremisnoff 1 articol
  63. Paul Jarvis 1 articol
  64. Kindra Hall 1 articol
An Apariție
Vizualizare ca Grila Lista

1-36 din 76 produse

  1. Crucial - Modul in care liderii devin strategi Autor: Richard Rumelt
    59,00 Lei
  2. Povesti cu lipici Autor: Kindra Hall
    48,00 Lei
  3. Diferentiaza-te! Un marketing ce nu poate fi ignorat Autor: Mike Michalowicz
    49,00 Lei
  4. Afacerile simplificate Autor: Donald Miller
    49,00 Lei
  5. Legile succesului in afaceri si in cariera Autor: Bert Hellinger
    40,00 Lei
  6. 1+1


    O istorie morala a politicilor monetare si fiscale Autor: Valentin Lazea
    55,00 Lei
  7. 1+1


    Putere si progres Autor: Simon Johnson
    99,00 Lei
  8. Viata secreta a banilor Autor: Tad Crawford
    55,00 Lei
  9. Mindreader Autor: David J. Lieberman
    49,90 Lei
  10. Viteza increderii - Ed. 2 Autor: Stephen M.R. Covey
    56,00 Lei
  11. Bani si libertate - Ghid de bunastare Autor: Ovidiu Toader
    65,00 Lei
  12. Razboiul cipurilor Autor: Chris Miller
    75,00 Lei
  13. Arta de a esua cu succes Autor: Amy C. Edmondson
    55,00 Lei
  14. 20%

    Intelepciunea unui Bullfrog. Leadership simplificat (dar nu usor) Autor: William H. McRaven
    Pret special 39,20 Lei Pret standard 49,00 Lei
  15. 2+1


    Essential Managers - Managing People Editura: DK Publishing
    51,00 Lei
  16. 2+1


    Essential Managers - Leadership Editura: DK Publishing
    51,00 Lei
  17. 2+1


    Essential Managers - Management Handbook Editura: DK Publishing
    128,00 Lei
  18. 2+1


    Livrare gratuita


    Elon Musk Autor: Walter Isaacson
    179,00 Lei
  19. Limbajul in leadership Autor: Joel Schwartzberg
    59,90 Lei
  20. 2+1


    Laws of Human Nature Autor: Robert Greene
    128,00 Lei
  21. 2+1


    Mastery Autor: Robert Greene
    128,00 Lei
  22. 2+1


    The 33 Strategies Of War Autor: Robert Greene
    128,00 Lei
  23. 2+1


    The Daily Laws Autor: Robert Greene
    108,00 Lei
  24. 2+1


    The 50th Law Autor: Robert Greene
    79,00 Lei
  25. 2+1


    How to Stop Time Autor: Matt Haig
    58,00 Lei
  26. 2+1


    Drive Autor: Daniel H. Pink
    64,00 Lei
  27. Cel mai important lucru Autor: Howard Mark
    59,00 Lei
  28. Confesiunile unui om de pricing Autor: Hermann Simon
    57,00 Lei
  29. Calea simpla spre bogatie Autor: J. L. Collins
    49,00 Lei
  30. 2+1


    100 Things Millionaires Do Autor: Nigel Cumberland
    99,00 Lei
  31. 2+1


    The Ultimate Startup Book Autor: Kevin Duncan
    92,00 Lei
  32. Analiza financiara pe intelesul tuturor Autor: Cosmin Baiu
    44,90 Lei
Vizualizare ca Grila Lista

1-36 din 76 produse
