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Icons of Style - Diana: The story of a fashion icon
- Autor: Glenys Johnson
- Editură: Headline Publishing Group
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Descriere produs
A style icon, a trendsetter, a princess: Lady Diana epitomised 80s and 90s style.
With a well-earned place in the fashion hall of fame, Diana's style choices have influenced decades of style. From her ultimate 80s wedding dress to her off-duty sporty looks, and from classic Sloane Ranger preppiness to killer glamor, as celebrity fan Rihanna has said, "Every look was right".
Featuring over 100 stunning photographs of Diana's key looks, Icons of Style: Diana explores how and why she chose the designers and styles she returned to time and time again, and what we can learn from her iconic wardrobe to cultivate our own style.
A fun and complete guide to a modern-day icon's signature style.
With a well-earned place in the fashion hall of fame, Diana's style choices have influenced decades of style. From her ultimate 80s wedding dress to her off-duty sporty looks, and from classic Sloane Ranger preppiness to killer glamor, as celebrity fan Rihanna has said, "Every look was right".
Featuring over 100 stunning photographs of Diana's key looks, Icons of Style: Diana explores how and why she chose the designers and styles she returned to time and time again, and what we can learn from her iconic wardrobe to cultivate our own style.
A fun and complete guide to a modern-day icon's signature style.
Detalii produs
Categorie | Hobby / |
Autor | Glenys Johnson |
Editură | Headline Publishing Group |
Nr Pagini | 224 |
Tip coperta | Hard cover |
An Apariție | 2023 |
ISBN | 9781802796162 |
Cod de bare | 9781802796162 |
Gen | Fata Femeie |
Vârsta | 14 - 18 ani, 18 - 99 ani |
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