Icons of Style - Harry Styles: The story of a fashion icon

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Icons of Style - Harry Styles: The story of a fashion icon

Descriere produs
A genius of fluid fashion, Harry Styles is redefining fashion for all genders.
From his moment on the 2019 Met Gala red carpet that broke the internet and appearing on the cover of Vogue, to his collaboration with Gucci and resplendent stage costumes, Styles has broken the mould again and again.
With this beautiful guide to his style trajectory, key looks and signature pieces, dive into the kooky, eccentric and utterly unique world of Harry Styles's style.
A fun and complete guide to a modern-day icon's signature style.
Detalii produs
Mai multe informatii
Categorie Hobby /
Autor Lauren Cochrane
Editură Headline Publishing Group
Nr Pagini 224
Tip coperta Hard cover
An Apariție 2023
ISBN 9781802796186
Cod de bare 9781802796186
Gen Baiat Fata Barbat Femeie
Vârsta 14 - 18 ani, 18 - 99 ani

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