Middle School - Vol. 1 - The Worst Years of My Life
- Autor: James Patterson
- Editură: Penguin Books

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Rafe Khatchadorian is getting the Hollywood treatment in a film version of Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life starring Griffin Gluck, Lauren Graham, Rob Riggle and Thomas Barbusca.
Rafe Khatchadorian has enough problems at home without throwing his first year of middle school into the mix. Luckily, he's got an ace plan for the best year ever, if he can pull it off. With his best friend Leonardo the Silent awarding him points, Rafe tries to break every rule in his school's oppressive Code of Conduct. Chewing gum in class - 5,000 points! Running in the hallway - 10,000 points! Pulling the fire alarm - 50,000 points! But when Rafe's game starts to catch up with him, he'll have to decide if winning is all that matters, or if he's finally ready to face the rules, bullies, and truths he's been avoiding.
Categorie | Cărți pentru adolescenți / Carti / |
Autor | James Patterson |
Editură | Penguin Books |
Nr Pagini | 336 |
Tip coperta | brosata |
An Apariție | 2014 |
ISBN | 9780099596783 |
Cod de bare | 9780099596783 |
Gen | Baiat Fata |
Vârsta | 10 - 14 ani |