One Piece - Vol. 25

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One Piece - Vol. 25

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Talk about impossible! Luffy and the Straw Hats have to find a way to sail to an island in the sky, and the only one who can show them the way is known to be a greater liar than Usopp! It won't be easy, but can they trust their lives to someone nobody believes in?!



Detalii produs
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Categorie Manga / Manga Lovers / Carti /
Autor Eiichiro Oda
Editură Viz Media
Nr Pagini 208
Tip coperta brosata
An Apariție 2010
ISBN 9781421528465
Cod de bare 9781421528465
Gen Baiat Fata
Vârsta 14 - 18 ani

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