The Diary of a Young Girl

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The Diary of a Young Girl

Descriere produs

The Diary of a Young Girl abridged for younger readers and published in memory of Anne Frank, who died 70 years ago, just weeks before the end of World War II. Sensitively edited and with a connecting commentary by editor, Mirjam Pressler, the abridged edition of The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank gives younger readers their first introduction to the extraordinary diary of an ordinary girl who has long become a household name. This abridged edition has a short prologue written by the editor, Mirjam Pressler, as well as a connecting commentary. There are beautiful line drawings, family photographs, and an Afterword to explain why the Diary ends so abruptly. This shorter edition is suitable for younger children who want to read Anne's diary for themselves.

Detalii produs
Mai multe informatii
Categorie Biografii și memorii / Bestsellere - Engleză /
Autor Anne Frank
Editură Penguin Books
Nr Pagini 304
Tip coperta brosata
An Apariție 2015
ISBN 9780141345352
Cod de bare 9780141345352
Gen Baiat Fata Barbat Femeie
Vârsta 14 - 18 ani, 18 - 99 ani

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