The Eldest Curses - Vol. 2 - The Lost Book of the White

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The Eldest Curses - Vol. 2 - The Lost Book of the White

Descriere produs

From #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Cassandra Clare and award-winning author Wesley Chu comes the second book in the Eldest Curses series, which continues the love story between Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood. The Lost Book of the White is a Shadowhunters novel.

Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood are settling into domestic life with their son Max when the warlocks Ragnor Fell and Shinyun Jung break into their loft and steal a powerful spell book. Realizing that Ragnor and Shinyun are being controlled by a more sinister force, Magnus and Alec set out to stop them and recover the book before they can cause any more harm. With the help of Clary Fairchild, Jace Herondale, Isabelle Lightwood, and Simon Lovelace (who is fresh from the Shadowhunter Academy), they track the warlocks to Shanghai.


But nothing is as it seems. Ragnor and Shinyun are working at the behest of a Greater Demon. Their goal is to open a Portal from the demon realms to Earth, flooding the city of Shanghai with dangerous demons. When a violent encounter causes Magnus’s magic to grow increasingly unstable, Alec and Magnus rally their friends to strike at the heart of the demon’s power. But what they find there is far stranger and more nefarious than they ever could have expected…


Perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo, Holly Black and Sarah J. Maas.


Book 2 in The Eldest Curses series


The Eldest Curses

The Lost Book of the White

Detalii produs
Mai multe informatii
Categorie SF, fantasy și horror / Carti /
Autor Cassandra Clare
Editură Simon & Schuster
Nr Pagini 400
Tip coperta brosata
An Apariție 2021
ISBN 9781471162121
Cod de bare 9781471162121
Gen Baiat Fata
Vârsta 14 - 18 ani

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