The Griffins And the Time Machine RO-EN
- Autor: Marius Gabriel Cioroiu
- Editură: Ex Ponto

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Editie Bilingva: Romana-Engleza
The Griffins, Elvin and Caster, are two orphans living in poverty, left in the care of their grandmother. With the end of summer approaching, they take a trip through a maze of experiences, encountering life’s threats and grasping its opportunities. They are lucky to escape with their lives, while embarking on this exciting and dangerous adventures, along the road. It’s a story of good and evil, magic runes, witches, owls, cyclops, potions, ghosts and a fight to save the world. How are they ever going to work together, while Elvin, finally, is betraying his brother? They don’t know how they’ll get back home. But why would they want to?
Categorie | Bilingvă / |
Autor | Marius Gabriel Cioroiu |
Editură | Ex Ponto |
Nr Pagini | 184 |
Tip coperta | cartonata |
An Apariție | 2021 |
ISBN | 978-606-598-921-4 |
Cod de bare | 9786065989214 |
Gen | Baiat Fata |
Vârsta | 5 - 10 ani, 10 - 14 ani |