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The Story of Porsche
- Autor: Luke Smith
- Editură: Headline Publishing Group
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Descriere produs
The Story of Porsche is a compact and beautifully designed review of the iconic car manufacturer.
From the alluring curves to the powerful engineering, Porsche has been synonymous with both luxury and race car manufacturing for more than 90 years. In The Story of Porsche, every component of the legendary brand's success is studied and celebrated, from turbulent beginnings to its ascent to the summit of car design and construction.
Blending heritage with innovation and brand identity with creativity, Porsche has produced some of the most beloved models of sport and luxury car alike. From the timeless designs of the 911 and Carrera, to the dynamism of the 917, the fabled marque has instilled class and faultless engineering into each and every one of its creations. With 19 victories at Le Mans, Porsche has also proved itself to be as successful on the racetrack as it is on the streets; revered, respected and treasured in equal measure.
These victories on both the podium and in the marketplace are rendered here in stunning detail through insightful text and exceptional photography. This is a story packed with blind corners and steep climbs, in a package that will sit perfectly on any Porsche fan's bookshelf.
From the alluring curves to the powerful engineering, Porsche has been synonymous with both luxury and race car manufacturing for more than 90 years. In The Story of Porsche, every component of the legendary brand's success is studied and celebrated, from turbulent beginnings to its ascent to the summit of car design and construction.
Blending heritage with innovation and brand identity with creativity, Porsche has produced some of the most beloved models of sport and luxury car alike. From the timeless designs of the 911 and Carrera, to the dynamism of the 917, the fabled marque has instilled class and faultless engineering into each and every one of its creations. With 19 victories at Le Mans, Porsche has also proved itself to be as successful on the racetrack as it is on the streets; revered, respected and treasured in equal measure.
These victories on both the podium and in the marketplace are rendered here in stunning detail through insightful text and exceptional photography. This is a story packed with blind corners and steep climbs, in a package that will sit perfectly on any Porsche fan's bookshelf.
Detalii produs
Categorie | Hobby / |
Autor | Luke Smith |
Editură | Headline Publishing Group |
Nr Pagini | 160 |
Tip coperta | Hard cover |
An Apariție | 2022 |
ISBN | 9781802792911 |
Cod de bare | 9781802792911 |
Gen | Baiat Barbat |
Vârsta | 14 - 18 ani, 18 - 99 ani |
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