Thursday Murder Club - Vol. 2 - The Man Who Died Twice

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Thursday Murder Club - Vol. 2 - The Man Who Died Twice

Descriere produs

The second novel in the record-breaking number one bestselling Thursday Murder Club series, featuring the old (but far from past-it) team as they pursue a brand new mystery

It's the following Thursday.


Elizabeth has received a letter from an old colleague, a man with whom she has a long history. He is being hunted and he needs her help. His story involves stolen diamonds, a violent mobster, and a very big mistake.


As bodies start piling up, Elizabeth enlists Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron in the hunt for a killer. And if they find the diamonds too? Well, wouldn't that be a bonus?


But this time they are up against a ruthless murderer who wouldn't bat an eyelid at knocking off four septuagenarians. Can the Thursday Murder Club find the killer (and the diamonds) before the killer finds them?

Detalii produs
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Categorie SF, fantasy și horror /
Autor Richard Osman
Editură Penguin Books
Nr Pagini 448
Tip coperta brosata
An Apariție 2022
ISBN 9780241988244
Cod de bare 9780241988244
Gen Barbat Femeie
Vârsta 18 - 99 ani

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